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ScanMyOpel > ScanMyOpel Android app

ELM 327 interfaces

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There are many different ELM 327 interfaces on the market.
Mainly, they can be divided on two different groups - version 1.4/1.4+ and version 1.5.
For our app the interface ver. 1.4 is highly recommended.

Here are some pictures of different ELM interfaces with comments.

These both chinese interfaces have version 1.4 and look very similar. On the left - new type, on the right - old type.

New type
This interface was purchased recently from China, it has PIC microcontroller, BT name - OBDII. So far works good with our app.

Old type
This interface was purchased recently from China about 2 years ago. It has, probably, the same PIC microcontroller, as original ELM327, BT name - CHX. In my opinion, this is a best available interface for our app.

Vauxhall Trader:
Artur, as per Google Play ScanMyOpel description, have you done the following on either of your two BT devices?

Please connect together pins 7, 3 and 12 in your ELM 327 interface.
On some model diagnostic of AT/ABS can be connected to pin 3 or 12 in the OBD plug. Since in ELM only used pin 7, you may not get connected to other modules."


Can You give me link to webpage where i can buy correct ELM 327 ?
I find only one but there is 1.5 version: http://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/ELM327-interface-Bluetooth-OBDII-V1-5_543780322.html?spm=a2700.7724857.29.272.8tCaE4
Find correct 1.4b version is like win on lottery :D



--- Quote from: lamers on January 19, 2016, 16:48:28 ---Hello

Can You give me link to webpage where i can buy correct ELM 327 ?
I find only one but there is 1.5 version: http://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/ELM327-interface-Bluetooth-OBDII-V1-5_543780322.html?spm=a2700.7724857.29.272.8tCaE4
Find correct 1.4b version is like win on lottery :D


--- End quote ---

Is there somewhere else to buy it other than Alibaba?

You can buy OBDLinkMX.

Actually, what car do you want to play with?


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