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OpelScanner > OpelScannerFlasher

I just cannot get in contact with two Simtec 71.5


My  equipment works on other ECU's like Simtec 71.6 and delphi deco.

The ECU is 55 351 752 5WK9 1727 from a Zafira 2013 1.8liter. motor code Z18xe

I connect on K-connector:
K-line to pin 5
relay coil to pin 36
relay to pin 31 when pull it contect to 12volt
12 volt to pin 32
and ignition to pin 64.
Linke page 7. : http://codecard.eu/images/file/opel_ecu_wiring_manual.pdf

I have tried with and without "enable  programming mode"
I use version: 4.0.0. 48
I have flasher module 2 and 4 and "Pro Pin 1"

Any one that can see what I do wrong? Please help me out of this one, I have used 4h now without comming any way :-\.

BR David


Simtec 71.6 use CAN bus, not K-line.


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