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OpelScannerCAN / Re: This Code Requires Valid Serial
« Last post by Artur on August 21, 2024, 21:11:03 »
Go to the Help menu and do Register.
OpelScannerCAN / This Code Requires Valid Serial
« Last post by melihenes34 on August 21, 2024, 09:37:33 »

I get this error when I enter the program and I don't know how to solve it. I said register from the help section but it still gives the same error. How do I register for this, do I need to make a purchase?
I could ask for help in a private message, step by step on how to do it
Go to Help menu and select - Register
Und wie geht das?
OpelScannerCAN / Re: OpelScanner
« Last post by Artur on June 23, 2024, 21:51:39 »
You can download by doing a right click in the link, then Save as.
It means, you need to register the software.
I have this error, how can I fix it?  This code requires valid serial number to run Program will be terminated.
OpelScannerCAN / OpelScanner
« Last post by Markopl580123 on June 14, 2024, 03:52:43 »
Hello, I wanted to activate the 3rd tab on the on-board computer, but everywhere on the Internet there are software versions for cars from 2010 max, and I have a 2014 car, and on the OpelScanner website, when I click on download version v., nothing happens, could someone send me one? version or another version only to cover cars up to at least 2014?
ScanMyOpel Android app / Re: Logs from ScanMyOpel
« Last post by Artur on June 01, 2024, 09:54:24 »

what logs do you want see? Please reach out to us at info@scanmyopel.com
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