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OpelScannerFlasher / Re: MT35 чтение -запись
« Last post by Artur on Yesterday at 21:31:35 »
Можно и без галок читать вообще.
ScanMyOpel Android app / Re: Reading airbag codes on Opel Corsa 2015
« Last post by Artur on Yesterday at 21:30:47 »
Is it Corsa C or D?
ScanMyOpel Android app / Reading airbag codes on Opel Corsa 2015
« Last post by niels on January 31, 2025, 11:10:48 »
I am trying to read the airbag trouble codes for my 2015 Opel Corsa. Am I correct that I should select the SDM (Sensing and Diagnostic Module) Family in the Connection Preferences? When I am trying to do this, it complains that it needs an Obdlink MX connection. The other Family codes connect fine for me.
OpelScannerFlasher / MT35 чтение -запись
« Last post by Ignats on January 07, 2025, 07:38:52 »
Всем добрый день.
Подскажите какие галки выставлять при чтении
Такого ЭБУ и при последующей записи после правки калибровщиком?
Необходимо сделать евро 2
Авто Зафира Б 2006 МТ35 2.3 Z16XEP 55561172
Курилка / Новости
« Last post by Dennisscoca on December 25, 2024, 09:54:12 »
OpelScannerCAN / Re: This Code Requires Valid Serial
« Last post by Artur on August 21, 2024, 21:11:03 »
Go to the Help menu and do Register.
OpelScannerCAN / This Code Requires Valid Serial
« Last post by melihenes34 on August 21, 2024, 09:37:33 »

I get this error when I enter the program and I don't know how to solve it. I said register from the help section but it still gives the same error. How do I register for this, do I need to make a purchase?
I could ask for help in a private message, step by step on how to do it
Go to Help menu and select - Register
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