There are many different ELM 327 interfaces on the market.
Mainly, they can be divided on two different groups - version 1.4/1.4+ and version 1.5.
For our app the interface ver. 1.4 is highly recommended.
Here are some pictures of different ELM interfaces with comments.
These both chinese interfaces have version 1.4 and look very similar. On the left - new type, on the right - old type.
New typeThis interface was purchased recently from China, it has PIC microcontroller, BT name -
OBDII. So far works good with our app.
Old typeThis interface was purchased recently from China about 2 years ago. It has, probably, the same PIC microcontroller, as original ELM327, BT name -
CHX. In my opinion, this is a best available interface for our app.