As you can see there is lean exhaust on both pipes - it means or great uncontrolled air in induction manifold (it need to be in place to affect all cylinders) or low fuel ratio.
So you need to control fuel pressure, air leak in induction manifold (take a look at four tubes upper ignition coil on induction manifold plastic insert). Check all routins for vacuum connections in front of the engine )you can find all info in TIS), check valve for fuel tank absorber for leaking the vacuum to the otput connector in idling.
Also MAF sensor...the easier way is to use another one to check if you have such possibility.
Fuel quality ? really don't know if it is possible to find anywhere i UK (am i right ?) low quality fuel.
May be due to previouse use of fuel with any additions you have problem with injectors..
With automatic transmission is very often error in installing gearbox breathing tube into the intake manifold connector

Good luck