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Subject: Engine A12/14XEL/R - Engine coolant temperature control indicator illuminates
Brand: Model: Model Year: VIN: Engine: Transmission:
from | to from | to
Opel,Vauxhall Astra-J 2010 2012 A?046339 C?000001 A14XEL,A14XER All
Opel,Vauxhall Corsa-D 2010 2012 A?144181 C?000001 A12XEL,A12XER,A14XEL,A14XER All
Opel,Vauxhall Meriva-B 2011 2012 A?145300 C?000001 A14XEL,A14XER All
Complaint Engine coolant temperature Control indicator illuminates due to the internal evaluation logic which recognizes insufficient coolant flow. DTC P00B7 may also be set in the ECU.
Cause The delivery rate of the water pump is insufficient during some engine operating conditions.
Production Improved water pump entered production as of engine number 19XY4419, (MY 2012)
In case of customer complaint install an improved water
pump (55579016/ 1334169).
Labour Times: TC: Hours:
U3 287 80 Replace waterpump 90 S.A.
The costs for this repair will be covered during warranty and policy.
For policy please refer to the Policy Guideline (WebPG/Kuugel).
The regular Warranty Procedure will apply.
The "?" signs in the VIN lists are place holders for the affected
production plants.
FunctionalGroup J - Engine
Complaint Group 05 - Excessive wear,06 - Failure Code Setting by Control Unit,23 - Wrong Indication
Trouble Code P00B7